Saturday, October 08, 2005

Champions Over or Prey For Today's Predators - Which Are You In Today's Business World?

By Coach Stan

Believe it or not, there are times we need to follow the example of the chameleon. The chameleon is a lizard that camouflages themselves to avoid predators as they move about in the world. Since it can not be readily found, it defeats the predator before the hunt event takes place. This makes the chameleon a champion over the predators. This article is not advocating that we run and hide in the face of adversity, but rather the wisdom found in Proverbs 22:3 - "A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keeps going and suffers for it."
To better understand my meaning, let's break down both the word camouflage and Proverbs 22:3. Camouflage is defined as the methods or practices one uses to blend into their environment in order to avoid being caught by predators or pray. What are the predators that we face today? Predators can be defined as negative pressure from your peers at work or socially, drug and alcohol abuse at home or socially; pornography and/or sexual misconduct; envy towards coworkers and friends; and unchecked anger towards family and coworkers. These are but a few of the predators we face everyday in the workplace and at home.
A prudent man or woman is one that has good sense in dealing with the practical matters of life. A prudent person uses good judgment to consider consequences and they act accordingly. But what is meant by the term good "sense"? The word "sense" means one of the multiple or subtle impressions of the senses by which a person obtains information about their physical world. A prudent person uses these subtle impressions of their senses proactively to consider consequences before acting.
This is a good thing and heads off negative consequences in life. Good judgment is the ability to form sound decisions from the multiple / subtle impressions of the senses.
Now let's take a look at the word danger. Danger is the exposure or vulnerability to harm, injury, or loss. Negative pressure from your peers at work or socially, drug and alcohol abuse at home or socially; pornography and/or sexual misconduct; envy towards coworkers and friends; and unchecked anger towards family and coworkers are all very dangerous. When you fall prey to these predators - it can cost a person their family, their job, their health, their freedom or most of (if not all) of the above.
Proverbs 22:3 also says we should take refuge. Refuge is a sheltered or protected state from something threatening, harmful, or dangerous. Having a coach, mentor, or accountability partner you can confide in and will hold you ever accountable for your present and future actions is a great refuge. Every great man or woman of the bible had that special Godly mentor who would coach them away from danger, hold them accountable for their actions and motivate them towards greater ends of being more prudent in serving God, family, work and their community.
However the simple go through their lives by not acknowledging the clearly visible dangers around them. A simple person is nothing more than a fool. A fool is a person who lacks good sense and therefore, lacks good judgment. This lack of good sense and judgment by a fool will cause that same fool to suffer. A fool brings about his demise, because only a fool, whether negligently or purposely, would think that negative pressure from your peers at work or socially; drug and alcohol abuse at home or socially; pornography and/or sexual misconduct; envy towards coworkers and friends; and unchecked anger towards family and coworkers will not negatively affect them.
So find that special Godly coach, mentor or accountability partner that will help you take refuge in God's word. Such mentors can coach and guide you in becoming a prudent man or woman who will in turn guide, lead and manage others with good sense and sound decision making skills.