Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Breaking Through The "Status Quo"

By Stan Lewis

In order to get to where you are supposed to be in life and have the desires of your heart, you have to get past the Status Quo. Breaking the status quo will involve embracing what I call the F.A.C.T.S. of life. We need to Focus on God's word and the direction that he gives in that word. Then we need to allow this Focus to affect our Attitudes, so that we change our attitudes from the negative to the positive. A positive Attitude will allow us to effectively embrace the necessary Change in our lives, so that we can effectively use our gifts. Change will affect our Thinking as our minds are open to new opportunities around us. These opportunities will enflame our passion to use our gifts. And finally, the way we Think will renew how we See things around us.

I like things the way they are…: Just Stop It!

First, we need to both define and understand the definition of status quo is before we can begin the journey towards any type of break through. The Status Quo is the condition or state of affairs that currently exists within and/or around us. In life, if there is no growth - there will be no life. When there is no growth in one's life, it is called being stagnant. Just like a tree we need to continually grow or slowly die out. As a person, we must grow spiritually, mentally and physically through out our lives or slowly die out ourselves. The taking away any of these three things and growth is limited. Then things around your life take on a Status Quo framework. We get use to this status quo and all of our potential dies out as we either carelessly or purposely live our lives to expire slowly day by day.

It will never work -Stop It

You have heard the phrase - you are what you eat - well the same is true when it comes to focus. Whatever it is that you make the center point of your thoughts is what you are. If that center point is anger, hate, fear, etc. - then that is your focus. If you truly center on the belief that "it'll never work...no matter what I try"- then that is your focus and sadly, you will for fill this false prophecy. If that center point is God's word, then that is your focus. This is an awesome focus and his word will give you direction and purpose. It will work! Put it to the test for 90 days and it will change you.

If everyone else would just… - Please, stop It.

After obtaining a positive and uplifting focus, we need to allow this Focus to affect our Attitudes, so that we change our attitudes from the negative to the positive. Many people say -"...if everyone would just...everything would be alright. "Just stop it, because that is not true. We can only control ourselves, our thoughts, and our actions. We can not control the thoughts and actions of others; therefore is a waste of time to do so. Taking up a positive focus will not only change your attitude about everything, but your interaction with others is more positive and productive. People pick up on others with a positive attitude, because it is has a comforting and uplifting effect upon them. They draw people in like a warm fireplace on a cold winter night.

I don't need to, but everyone else does – Friend, Just Stop It

A positive Attitude will allow us to effectively embrace the necessary Change in our lives, so that we can effectively use our gifts. For most people change is uncomfortable and sometimes it can be down right painful. It is natural to want to avoid what is uncomfortable and what is painful. But growth and development comes with things and situations that are uncomfortable and painful. As a baby, we crawled. When we grew and developed into a toddler, it was not without a few knocks and bruises. Nothing has changed, because you have the potential to grow and develop right up to the day the Lord calls you home. Too often many of us will cry out for others to make changes in their lives and leave them alone to live their “status quo” lifestyle. If that is the way you are thinking, just stop it friend. You have wants and desires that you would love to have, but in order to get them you must change. So discover your gifts, develop them, and make a change for growth and development.

I can't do that – You Can Too, Just Stop It

If you want to be 100% right, just say the following - I can't do it. As long as you say that, you will always be correct, that is until you embrace change. Change will affect our Thinking as our minds are open to new opportunities around us. As our minds open up, new thought processes begin in our minds. Things we would have never imagined start to enter into our heads. These new thoughts produce new opportunities. These opportunities will enflame your passion to use your gifts. Remember, it is far easier to be impassioned about change that comes about from a free flowing river, than a stagnate pool of water.

From where I sit, it's everyone else who has a problem... – Not Really My Friend, So Just Stop It

And finally, the way we Think will renew how we See things around us. Those new and positive things that you would never have imagined are what you should be thinking upon now. Those thought processes over the next 90 days will change how you see yourself and the world around you. It will also change how you solve and handle day to day problems and situations. Do not turn toward the negative style of thinking that says ...from where I sit, it's everyone else who has a problem... Not really my friend, so just stop it. This style of thinking will shut down your personal growth and development. Instead, forget about what problems or negative personality traits of others. Remember, you can not change, grow, or develop them without their permission and willingness. However, you can change yourself. You can give yourself permission to grow and develop yourself.

When ever a negative I can't or blaming thought process starts to come upon you - just stop it then and there. Do not give it an entry way into your mind. Instead, remember to take the F.A.C.T.S approach to life, because when we have a positive focus that gives us an excellent attitude for personal change that enhances our thinking to new levels which enable us to see new opportunities. You can then focus on these new things and thus totally change both who you are today, as well as, who you well grow and develop into tomorrow. If you need help breaking the barriers of the status quo, please let me know. I'd love to help coach you past the barriers and be your accountability partner.


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5:28 AM  

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